Would you like to brush up your English in a class dedicated to teachers like yourself? Join one of our language improvement courses starting in the fall!
ENGLISHING – November 29-30, 2013
Please help us prepare for next year’s convention! Give us your feedback. Use the link here. Some 2013 presenters have made their materials available for download here. CONVENTION SUBTHEMES Inside CLIL Literary Journeys Best Practices in Innovative Classrooms * November 29 & 30, 2013 Polo Didattico — Piazza Oderico da Pordenone, 3 — 00145 Rome,...
Call for Papers – TESOL Italy’s 49th Annual Convention
Dear Members, It’s time to mark your calendars! TESOL Italy is pleased to announce that the 49th Annual Convention, ‘Connecting Languages, Connecting People TOGETTHER’, will be taking place face-to-face on December, 6-7, 2024. For those of you who are interested in submitting a request to present a talk, a workshop, a panel, or a poster session at the Convention, please...
Forum delle associazioni di area linguistica
Il forum delle associazioni di area linguistica ha il piacere di condividere la propria proposta per un rilancio della formazione di insegnanti e futuri insegnanti che si occupano di educazione linguistica, per affrontare insieme le sfide educative di oggi e di domani, collocando la lingua al centro della proposta e dando a tutte e tutti...
TESOL Italy Pre-Conference Event
Join us for TESOL Italy Pre-Conference Event on Thursday, November 17th from 3.30 to 7.00 pm CET, and find out the latest innovations and trends in ELT field, chat with our Exhibitors and Sponsors and visit their virtual booths. Please also come along to our TESOL Cafe’ and meet our special guest Laura Jane McWilliams....
TESOL Statement on Racial Injustice and Inequality
Alexandria, VA - (1 June 2020) Over the last week, we at TESOL International Association have joined with the rest of the world in our feelings of sadness, disgust, and anger at the senseless killing of George Floyd. With this most recent incident of police brutality involving a person of color in the United States, it seems undeniable that while the fear and pain caused by one epidemic has upended our lives, another equally menacing epidemic of racism continues to tear apart our communities and threaten the ideals of freedom, peace, and prosperity to which we so tirelessly aspire. Please continue to read the entire statement.
TESOL Italy digital flashmob / contest
TESOL Italy launched a digital flash-mob/contest on Instagram to encourage the school community to stay at home during the Covid19 lockdown. Teachers joined our initiative by posting a photo or a video (max.1 min) to share their teaching/experience at home during the lockdown. Students were also invited to participate and share their online learning experience during lockdown. Continue reading to discover the digital flashmob / contest winners!
TESOL Italy for Distance Learning
Due to the outbreak of Covid 19 in our country, everyone is experiencing a difficult time. As EFL teachers and trainers, we face loneliness and distance learning problems because of the emergency.
TESOL Italy’s 45th National Convention
We are delighted to announce the dates for TESOL Italy's 45th National Convention on November 13th and 14th. Pre-register today! Mark it on your calendars and tell your colleagues of this wonderful opportunity!
A Great 44th Annual Convention!
Redesigning ELT in the 21st century What an interesting convention! There was something for all kinds of EL and CLIL teachers: from teachers of young learners to teacher researchers at university!
Our 43rd National Convention
Wow! What another great convention we had last November! If you missed it and would like to read the abstracts, 'read more'. And we hope to see you next year at TESOL Italy’s 44rd National Convention!
TESOL Italy's new professional development course led by Donald Freeman for the training of teacher trainers in cooperation with Romatre and the University of Michigan School of Education is underway! For Moodle access click on the E-learning 'green' board below.