TESOL Italy, an affiliate of TESOL International Association, is happy to announce that TESOL International Association offers numerous online courses and certificate programs and virtual seminars...
What are TESOL Italy local groups?
A local group is basically a group of enthusiastic teachers who engage in developing personally and professionally as EFL educators. If you would like to join one of the existing groups or start your own one, please contact us.
TESOL Italy is…
What is TESOL Italy? TESOL Italy (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a grass roots organization, run by teachers and for teachers. It is a non-profit Italian organization founded in 1975 by Mary Finocchiaro and Renzo Titone along with other foreign language teaching experts and pioneers. It has approximately 400 members in Italy and abroad and is an affiliate of TESOL International Association, based in Virginia, USA, with over 12,000 members worldwide. TESOL Italy is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) Direttiva 170/2016
TESOL Day L’Aquila
TESOL Day L’Aquila MERGING MINDS: How to Enhance Language Competence Exploring Learners’ Emotions Con grande piacere il Gruppo locale dell’Aquila rivolge a tutti i membri di TESOL-Italy l’invito a partecipare ai seminari di aggiornamento delle Prof.sse Liliana landolfi e Silvana Ranzoli che si terranno a L’Aquila sabato 20 Aprile con inizio alle ore 15:00.
My Music Languages – Songwriting in Schools
Hana Lo Bianco and Ben Paddick present My Music Languages Songwriting in Schools Register by e-mail at tesolitaly@gmail.com First come-first served 6th March, 2013 3.00 – 5.00 pm Aula Magna – Liceo “E.Q.Visconti” Piazza del Collegio Romano 4, 00186 Roma The event is open to TESOL Italy members. For those who are not TESOL Italy members...
Storytelling – Narrative and Literary Texts in Language Teaching
Donna Tatsuki presents Storytelling Narrative and Literary Texts in Language Teaching You are kindly invited to a special workshop for English teachers First come-first served 19th February,2013 2.30 – 4.45 pm Conference Room – American Embassy Via Sallustiana 49, 00187 Roma The event is open to TESOL Italy members. For those who are not TESOL...
Brand new site!
Welcome to the new TESOL Italy website! Hope you enjoy new graphics and contents 🙂