Redesigning ELT in the 21st century What an interesting convention! There was something for all kinds of EL and CLIL teachers: from teachers of young learners to teacher researchers at university!
Categoria: Old news
Our 43rd National Convention
Wow! What another great convention we had last November! If you missed it and would like to read the abstracts, 'read more'. And we hope to see you next year at TESOL Italy’s 44rd National Convention!
TESOL Italy's new professional development course led by Donald Freeman for the training of teacher trainers in cooperation with Romatre and the University of Michigan School of Education is underway! For Moodle access click on the E-learning 'green' board below.
Our 42nd National Convention 2017
TESOL ITALY'S 42nd National Convention 2017 in Rome was a great professional experience. If you missed it and wonder what it was about, take a look at the program booklet.
A Message to TESOL Professionals
from TESOL President Dudley Reynolds and Executive Director Rosa Aronson Fifty years ago, TESOL became a professional association based on the core principles of individual language rights, respect for diversity, multiculturalism, multilingualism, and inclusivity.
Our 41st National Convention
Shaping Language Shaping Teaching November 18th-19th 2016 in Rome What an exciting two-day teacher development event it was!
Sicily Summer Camp
The project was sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Italy and organized by TESOL Italy. It consisted in a one-week Teacher Training Course for 15 teachers from different cities in Sicily held by three highly qualified Teacher Trainers from the U.S.A and Italy, and a one-week Summer Camp for 15 students just out of middle...
Our 40th National Convention
November 13-14, 2015 Polo Didattico, Piazza Oderico da Pordenone, 3 - Rome, Italy For a description of the themes, download the Call for Papers here. Share it with your colleagues!
TESOL Italy’s 39th National Convention CONTENT AND LANGUAGE: PERSPECTIVES AND PRACTICE FOSTERING INCLUSIVE EDUCATION COMPETENCIES FOR NEW GENERATIONS * Curious about the Session Abstracts? View the 2-day Timetable View material from some of the sessions * Download the Flyer! Page 1 – General Convention info Page 2 – Session titles and speakers * our...
English Teaching Forum, the magazine
Are you looking for new ideas for your classroom? Are you interested in what other teachers are doing? Then subscribe to the. . . English Teaching Forum a quarterly journal for professionals teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language, published by the Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs....