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John Hughes is an award-winning ELT author and teacher trainer. With over 30 book titles, his best-known course series is National Geographic Learning’s Life and he is also a co-author on the new third edition of World English. As a teacher trainer, he has run courses, workshops and given conference presentations in over 40 countries. His main specialism is materials development and bridging the gap between theory and practice. He still teaches and pilots his own materials with students in Oxford.
Plenary Session Title and Abstract:
Critical thinking is a key global competence in this century and – as teachers – we are encouraged to integrate it into our lessons. However, it’s a term with many definitions and often seems remote from the everyday classroom. In this plenary we’ll explore what critical thinking means in terms of English language teaching and the reasons for balancing lower and higher-order thinking in a classroom. The talk includes a number of practical ways to make critical thinking an integral part of your teaching.
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