Trieste Local Group

Coordinator: Janine Sprague Zolle

Events in 2019

An afternoon workshop entitled, I see you:  Listening to understand led by Dr. Laura Pomicino on March 29, 2019.    Flyer

A workshop entitled, A Teacher’s Toolkit:  Developing Resources for Support, Inspiration and Resilience, facilitated by Theresa Conti on March 13.  Flyer

Events in 2018

A seminar entitled, Lessons from improv for the ESL/EFL classroom: encouraging creativity, collaboration and fearless conversation, led by Karoline Steckley on October 26, 2018. Flyer

A seminar entitled Pediatric Developmental and Behavioral Disorders:  Evaluation, Treatment and Intervention  on April 13, 2018.   Flyer

A seminar entitled:  Dislessia e l’apprendimento delle lingue straniere, led by Sephanie Smith

A seminar entitled Teaching the 21st Century Student