Sponsorship Opportunities

TESOL Italy 47th National Convention will feature a Virtual Expo with fully customizable booths that will enable exhibitors to upload videos and other marketing materials. Additionally, you will be able to engage in live text / video chats with interested attendees.
The Virtual Expo will be always accessible during the Convention. Also, exhibitors will enjoy enhanced exposure for their products and services from the following Virtual Convention features:

  • TESOL Italy 47th Pre-Conference Event on 17 November, Thursday afternoon, dedicated to presenting the Convention Platform and above all the Virtual Expo and the Exhibitors’ booths.
  • A special post plenary session entitled “What’s New in ELT”; in prime conference time dedicated to getting to know sponsors and Expo, consisting in 5-10 mins live time for each sponsor to personally speak, showcase their virtual booth and products with entire conference participants.
  • Exhibitors Showcase sessions will be available in the convention timetable (prime time) on both Convention days.

The virtual booths will remain available, on the Convention platform, until one month after the Convention.
For detailed info, see the Sponsorship Packages below.


  • Logo on virtual convention platform also prior to the Convention dates
  • Inclusion in the directory of exhibitors
  • Company name, logo, etc., in pre-event marketing and contact emails.
  • Logo on presentation slide before plenary speakers’ sessions.
  • a 30-min live session in the convention timetable for the first three exhibitors booking the gold package

VIRTUAL BOOTH: a customizable exhibition stand for presentations of
audio, video, images, pdf, resources, as well as a live text / video chat
with interested attendees


  • Logo on virtual convention platform also prior to the Convention dates
  • Inclusion in directory of exhibitors
  • Logo on presentation slide before plenary speakers’ sessions.
  • a 20-min live session in the convention timetable for the first three exhibitors booking the silver package.

VIRTUAL BOOTH: a customizable exhibition stand for presentations of
audio, video, images, pdf, resources, as well as a live text/video chat with
interested attendees


  • Logo on virtual convention platform also prior to the Convention dates
  • Inclusion in directory of exhibitors
  • a 10-min live session in the convention timetable for the first three exhibitors booking the silver package.

VIRTUAL BOOTH: a customizable exhibition stand for presentations of
audio, video, images, pdf, resources, as well as a live text/video chat with
interested attendees


  • One-page ad in the Convention e-program: €100
  • Three full-page ads in the Convention e-programme € 200
  • Logo on homepage of the Convention site € 150
  • Logo shown on introductory slide of two plenary sessions  € 200
  • Logo shown on introductory slide of every plenary session  € 300
  • 30-second ad spot shown on the Convention days  € 400
  • 60-second ad spot shown on the Convention days  € 500

Applications must be submitted via the online form by 25th July, 2022.

For further information, please contact TESOL Italy’s office (tesolitaly@gmail.com).

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