Nayr Correia Ibrahim is Associate Professor of English Subject Pedagogy at Nord University. Previously, she worked as Head of Young Learners and BilingualEducationat British Council, France. Nayrholds a MA TEFL and a PhD in trilingualism, triliteracy and identity from the University of Reading.Shehasbeeninvolved in various projects, includingreviewing the EU’s Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2018). She was local coordinator for the Erasmus+ ICEPELL project, which won twoEuropean Language Labels in 2023. Sheisparticipating in theELLiL project, and developing a reading framework for in-depth learning. She regularly presents on multilingualism and identity, the translingual and transcultural dimensions in picturebooks and metacognitive processes in language learning. Sheis a member of the Nord Research Group For Children’s Literature in ELT (CLELT) andtreasurer for the newly-launchedEarly Language Learning Research Association (ELLRA). Herpublication, Teachingchildrenhow to learn, Delta Publishing, with Gail Ellis, won an award at the 2016 ESU English Language Awards in the category, Resources for Teachers. Herresearchinterests include earlylanguage learning, bi/multilingualism, multiple literacies, language and identity, learning to learn, interculturality, children’s literature and children’s rights.