The TESOL Italy Formia Local Group was constituted in February 2013. Let us know if you are interested in joining this local group.
Co-ordinator – Filomena Savore
Events in 2019
A seminar entitled, Focus on listening and reading skills for Invalsi, October 28, 2019. Flyer An afternoon seminar entitled Creativity can change the world and INVALSI update on Thursday February 14th led by Maria Grazie Maglione and Donatella Fitzgerald. Flyer
Events in 2018
An afternoon seminar entitled: Dyslexia and reading problems, led by Esterina La Torre on November 8, 2018. Flyer
Events in 2017
Events in 2016
An afternoon seminar entitled Playing with Shakespeare! Sharing Ideas, Resources, Experiences, led by Maria Grazia Maglione, Maria Antonietta Ortensi and Elisabetta Vaccaro on October 13th, 2016. Flyer An afternoon seminar entitled QR Codes in Education led by Esterina La Torre on February 2. Flyer
Events in 2014
1 – An afternoon seminar entitled Motivating Teenagers: Using Webquests for English Language Learning led by Donatella Fitzgerald – O.U.P. and presentation of the 5th edition of the creative writing competition entitled Save the Earth ! led by Maria Grazia Maglione and Maria Antonietta Ortenzi (14th Jan).
Events in 2013
1 – An afternoon seminar entitled Geometric Literature led by Esterina La Torre. View Announcement here. 2 – An afternoon seminar entitled CLILOVE: Why Students and Teachers Like CLIL. Sharing Ideas and Experiences led by M. A. Ortenzi and M.G. Maglione. Printable Flyer here.