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Malcolm Mann is an English language teacher and materials writer. He is the author or co-author of numerous ELT courses including the Laser and Optimise series (both published by Macmillan Education) and has given presentations in many countries round the world. In his spare time, he’s a partner in a bike shop and café/bar in Athens. Malcolm is a former Chairperson of TESOL Greece.
Plenary Session Title and Abstract:
Redesigning and adapting ELT traditions: some practical suggestions
Traditions build up over time in every field and industry. Some, we question and challenge. Others become so deeply ingrained that we don’t even realise they’re traditions, and that there might be another way of doing things. For example, the concept of conditionals being divided into, and classified as, zero, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and mixed is so entrenched that it’s hard to imagine any other way of approaching them. But perhaps there is…
In this session, we’ll look at some of the traditions of our field and ask the question ‘Is there a better way of doing this?’ We’ll explore various aspects of teaching grammar and vocabulary and developing language skills, with an emphasis on practical ways to approach some of these ideas in the classroom.
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