Dr. Denise E. Murray is Professor Emeritus at Macquarie University in Sydney and at San José State University in California. She has a long history as a language teacher educator, having been the Executive Director of the Adult Migrant English Program Research Centre and of the National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research at Macquarie University from 2000-2006. Prior to her appointment at Macquarie, she was founding Chair of the Department of Linguistics and Language Development at San José State University.
For seven years, she served on the Board of Directors of TESOL International, including a term as President in 1996-1997. In 2016 as part of TESOL’s 50th anniversary, she was recognized with a “TESOL 50@50 Award,” an award given to 50 TESOLers who have made a significant contribution to the TESOL profession through teaching, research, and leadership. She also received the James E. Alatis Service Award from TESOL International and the SadaeIwataki Service Award from CATESOL. She is currently the Chair of the TESOL Summit Steering Committee, which is guiding TESOL International’s initiative on the Summit on the Future of the TESOL Profession.
Dr. Murray’s own research interests include computer-assisted language learning; cross-cultural literacy; the use of the learners’ L1 in the second language classroom; the intersection of language, society, and technology; settlement of adult immigrants; OLTE; language education policy; and leadership in language education. She has published her work in seventeen books and more than 100 articles.
To view her plenary session powerpoint: ‘Preparing for the future challenges and opportunities in the ELT profession’, click here.