Convention 2016 Pre-registration Form

Before completing the form please read the Italian Privacy Statement according to Article 13 of Italian Law 196/2003.

    First name *

    Last name *

    Address *

    Postal code *

    City *

    Country *

    Date of Birth * (YYYY-MM-DD)

    Place of birth *

    Fiscal Code* (SSN# or NIN#)

    Email *

    Home phone

    Cell phone *

    Italian Privacy Law Information (D. L.gvo 196/03)*:

    Please note: without permission to use your personal data, TESOL Italy can neither recognise your registration nor membership request.

    I'm preregistering for:

    Convention registration includes 2017 TESOL Italy membership.
    Payment of convention fees should take place before completing the online form. If you have made the payment, you may upload a copy of your receipt below. (Files allowed: pdf, ping, jpeg)

    Type of payment*:

    Date of payment* (YYYY-MM-DD):



    from Italy:  c/c postale n. 15774003, TESOL Italy, Via Boncompagni, 2 – 00187 Roma

    from Italy and other countries:  bank transfer through Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Via Bissolati, 2 00187 – Rome, Italy. Swift/BIC BNLIITRR, IBAN IT08 Z010 0503 2000 0000 0099 161