Convention 2013 Pre-registration

To pre-register for the convention please complete the form below for a reduction on convention fees.

Return a copy  of the receipt of payment (bank transfer, c/c postale, cheque) to the TESOL Italy office via email or fax (06 4674 2478) by November 12, 2013.

Convention pre-registration also includes: 2014 TESOL Italy membership, five issues of our online Newsletter and two issues of our online academic journal, Perspectives.

Payment from Italy may be done at the post office  with a c/c postale n. 15774003, TESOL Italy, Via Boncompagni, 2 – 00187 Roma. Payment from Italy and other countries may also be done at the bank with a bank transfer through Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Via Bissolati, 2 00187 – Rome, Italy. Swift/BIC BNLIITRR, IBAN IT08 Z010 0503 2000 0000 0099 161

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    Italian Privacy Policy (see bottom right)
    I have read and accepted the terms of the Italian Privacy Policy (D.Lgvo 196/2003) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (DGPR) n. 670/2016.



    The personal data submitted for membership in the Association TESOL Italy will be dealt with in accordance with the Italian Law no. 196/2003


    I dati richiesti per l’iscrizione all’Associazione TESOL Italy saranno trattati ai sensi del D.L.gvo 196/2003.