To pre-register for the convention please complete the form below for a reduction on convention fees.
Return a copy of the receipt of payment (bank transfer, c/c postale, cheque) to the TESOL Italy office via email or fax (06 4674 2478) by November 12, 2013.
Convention pre-registration also includes: 2014 TESOL Italy membership, five issues of our online Newsletter and two issues of our online academic journal, Perspectives.
Payment from Italy may be done at the post office with a c/c postale n. 15774003, TESOL Italy, Via Boncompagni, 2 – 00187 Roma. Payment from Italy and other countries may also be done at the bank with a bank transfer through Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Via Bissolati, 2 00187 – Rome, Italy. Swift/BIC BNLIITRR, IBAN IT08 Z010 0503 2000 0000 0099 161
The personal data submitted for membership in the Association TESOL Italy will be dealt with in accordance with the Italian Law no. 196/2003
I dati richiesti per l’iscrizione all’Associazione TESOL Italy saranno trattati ai sensi del D.L.gvo 196/2003.